
Neurolinguistic Psych Training
Dr Tahira Rubab Hafeez’s team offers individual and group training in neuro-linguistic psych (NLP) training. Since neuro-linguistic psych (NLP) believes in the perfection of nature in humans, therefore it encourages an individual to recognize their sensory sensitivities so they can utilize them to respond in a particular situation. This approach also believes that the human brain is even capable of finding cures for common diseases and other ailments.
Neuro-linguistic psych (NLP) training includes a therapy that is free of any medicine and non-invasive that aids an individual to deal with issues like anxiety, destructive relationship patterns, and lack of confidence.

Online & Traditional Sex Therapy
Sexual problems are not only common in society but also taboo to talk about. However, 80% of sexual problems are psychological. Dr Tahira Rubab Hafeez helps people in understanding their sexuality, sexual orientation, and sexual problems related to performance, size, timing, and increasing pleasure. We provide pre-marital counseling about the sexual relationship between partners. Moreover, we help people with sexual abuse and provide telephonic, online, and on-site consultancy for sexual problems.

Personal Development
Personal development covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. Personal development takes place over the course of a person’s entire life and it starts from improving self-awareness improving self-knowledge ,improving skills and/or learning new ones, building or renewing identity/self-esteem, developing strengths or talents, improving a career, identifying or improving potential, building employability or (alternatively) human capital, enhancing lifestyle and/or the quality of life and time-management, improving health improving wealth or social status, fulfilling aspirations, initiating a life enterprise, defining and executing personal development plans (PDPs), improving social relations or emotional intelligence.

Parental Training
Parenting is a challenging and tedious job. Parents remain obsessed and overwhelmed with the problematic behaviors of their kids. Dr Tahira Rubab Hafeez offers them training sessions to deal with developmental changes, building the character and personality of kids, teaching techniques, and behavior modification strategies. We also teach parents how they can deal with their kids with ADHD and educational problems. We offer individual and group parental training courses.

Support Groups
Support groups are such groups in which people facing the same problem share their experiences and other members share their own experience with the same issue and they do so to help the person who is facing the issue. Dr Tahira Rubab Hafeez also runs support groups for parents, adults, addicts, people with dementia and memory problems, and for people with long term illnesses like diabetes, blood pressure and heart attack. Anyone can join the support groups.

Hypnotherapy is a sort of complementary and alternative medicine in which the mind is used in an attempt to help with a variety of problems, such as breaking bad habits or coping with stress. We offer treatment with hypnosis for smoking, addiction, eating problems, sleep, anxiety, mood problems, anger, confidence building, and many more. In addition, we offer individual, group, and self-hypnosis training sessions.

Online Psychotherapy
We provide quality, comprehensive online counseling and mental health information via audiovisual, e-mail, chat, skype and telephone mediums. We are a complete mental healthcare online clinic. We offer a full range of hypnotic and mental health educational tapes and videos.

Online Training
Dr Tahira Rubab Hafeez provides online training on leadership development, virtual presentation skills, confidence building, interview skills, online business skills, communication skills, relaxation training, habit-changing training, and much more.

Traditional Psychotherapy
Dr Tahira Rubab Hafeez offers onsite traditional psychotherapy which aims to improve an individual’s well-being and mental health, resolve or mitigate troublesome behaviors, beliefs, compulsions, thoughts, or emotions, and improve relationships and social skills.

We provide information about human behavior, day-to-day problems, and how to deal with them. Most of the videos are based on indigenous problems keeping the culture, social norms, and family systems in view.

We provide MHPSS training to individuals and organizations. In this, we training provide a wide range of mental health and psychosocial support services. They include stress management, problem-solving, management of mental health problems, community building, suicide management, emotional intelligence, decision-making, the procedure of conducting basic counseling skills, and dealing with trauma.