different kinds of narcissists

The different kinds of narcissists

NPD includes a deep need for unnecessary attention and appreciation. People with NPD are selfish and have a sense of qualification. They have poor relationships and an increased sense of snobbiness in NPD. There are different kinds of narcissists according to various classifications.

Nine Signs Of NPD

I have talked about the signs of a narcissist below.

  1. Greatness
  • Magnified feelings
  • Superiority feeling that deserves special treatment
  • Unlimited success, shine, power, beauty, and love often go with feelings of love, hate, fear, etc.
  1. Increased need for appreciation
  • Need special praise
  • Want to be the center of attention
  • Fake discussions
  • Patients feel mistreated well and get angry when ignored.
  1. Shallow affairs

Surface attributes form the basis of their relations.

There is no basis for relationships on any clearly stated quality of others.

They value people only as long as they are efficient.

  1. Lack of sympathy

Narcissists lack emotional needs and the ability to care for their dear ones.

  1. Identity disturbance
  • Affairs are shallow, very strict, and often delicate and breakable
  • Strength depends on maintaining the image of oneself as important/famous
  • Threatened feelings of greatness
  • Patients deny the reality of questioning their quality of being better than others
  1. Very hard to attach and depend. It varies with different kinds of narcissists thereby.
  • Depending on reactions from the surroundings
  • Relationships exist only to strengthen positive self-confidence and image.
  • The relations are shallow.
  • Avoiding emotional closeness
  1. Awful feelings of emptiness when attention and praise are unavailable.

            They get bored, upset, and depressed if not admired.

  1. Difficulty in beginning and building on reality-based goals.
  2. NPD plays a significant factor in suicide and suicide attempts.
different kinds of narcissists according to broader classification
different kinds of narcissists according to broader classification

The different kinds of narcissists according to broader classification

Some researchers focus on five different kinds of narcissists which I have discussed below.

  1. Overt narcissism

A person with this NPD type can have the qualities I have talked about them below.

  • Exaggerated self-image
  • Need praise and appreciation
  • Lack of empathy
  • Bold and obnoxious
  • Right to do anything
  • Oppressive
  1. Covert narcissism

Most people consider narcissism as a noisy feature. But this NPD type does not support this model. Instead, the particular features of people with this NPD type are as follows.

  • Low self-confidence
  • Shy
  • Doubts or low confidence
  • Being defensive
  • Avoidance
  • The habit of playing the victim
  1. Antagonistic Narcissism

This aspect of narcissism focuses on competition and rivalry. I have talked about some features of this disorder below.

  • Bold obnoxiousness
  • A habit of using others
  • Desire to fight against others
  • Delicate
  1. Communal Narcissism

Communal narcissism is a type of overt narcissism. It is the opposite of antagonistic narcissism. People having this sickness may value fairness and think about themselves as kind. We find a break-in between these beliefs and their behavior. People with this sickness own the following qualities.

  • Easy to get angry
  • Explain themselves as very kind and understanding
  1. Malignant Narcissism

Narcissism can exist at different levels of seriousness. Yet this NPD type is the worst form. It can cause more problems for the patient. Experts relate malignant narcissism to overt narcissism. People with this NPD type can share many attributes of NPD. These qualities include praise from others and a strong need for uplifting. But besides that, this NPD type can manifest itself in the following ways.

  • Feeling of revenge
  • Happiness in the pain of others
  • Aggression when talking to others

According to productivity

Some studies divide different kinds of narcissists into two types. It helps show the difference between the productive and non-productive parts of NPD. I have talked about them below.

  1. Adaptive Narcissism

This NPD type refers to the helpful parts of NPD. These aspects include high self-confidence, self-sureness, and the ability to like oneself.

  1. Maladaptive Narcissism

Experts link this NPD type with personal qualities that do not benefit you. Instead, these qualities can negatively affect your feelings about yourself and others. These feelings include entitlement and the need to take advantage of others. It may be because of signs of NPD. When most people talk about narcissism, they usually refer to this type of NPD. It is now important that I mention the diagnosis and causes of NPD.

Causes of NPD

The cause of NPD is unknown. Some experts believe that overprotective or neglected parenting may affect children. Genes and brain science play their part in the development of NPD. I have talked about the most important causes below.

  1. Child abuse or ignorance
  2. Too much parental care
  3. Unreal parental expectations
  4. Cultural effects

Diagnosing Different Types Of Narcs

We identify this disease using DSM-5. It must meet five of the nine aspects to identify this disease. I have listed them below.

  1. Great sense of snobbiness
  2. Occupied with the fantasy of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, and love.
  3. Believing they should be unique. Or, we should link them to other rare or high-ranking people or institutions.
  4. Needs excessive praise and appreciation
  5. Sense of entitlement
  6. Taking advantage of others
  7. Lack of understanding of feelings
  8. Jealous of others, or believe that others are jealous of him
  9. Showing off a bold and obnoxious attitude

Treatment options

There is no such cure, but therapy can help a lot. The goal is to increase the person’s low self-confidence. We practice it so that they have more reality-based expectations of others. Treatment usually centers on talk therapy. Long-term counseling is the most important treatment for NPD. It will help you better understand the problem and the changes you can make to:

  • Treat others in a positive and rewarding way
  • Foster healthy self-confidence
  • Have more realistic expectations for others

We can adopt the following steps to handle a narcissist:

  1. Educate yourself

Try to find out more about the issue. It can help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of a narcissist. You can learn how to deal with narcissists better.

  1. Create borders

Be clear about your limits and borders.

  1. Speak up for yourself

When you need something, be clear and concise about it.

Therapists may recommend medicines to treat signs such as anxiety and depression. I have talked about the medicines involved below.

  1. Antidepressants

These medicines treat depression. Health experts usually prescribe SSRIs. This class of drugs has fewer side effects than other drugs that reduce depression.

  1. Mood stabilizers

Doctors may prescribe mood stabilizers to reduce mood swings.

  1. Antipsychotics

This type of medicine can relieve the signs of depression.

Written by: Dr Tahira Rubab Hafeez

Call for appointments at +923114482787

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